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October 29, 2023

Hi beautiful fam… it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve been able to jump back in (which worked out I guess since there haven’t been any new lives with the retreat happening! It looked so fun!). Last Saturday (10.21) I married my husband (!! still feels weird to say), and it was glorious and perfect. Small intimate backyard thang (highly recommend getting married with only your nearest and dearest, it was perfect, had only about 30 guests). My husband has taken a job in the South Pole (yes, Antarctica!) to work on a telescope. He will be there for a year, so I won’t see him until next November. We had our tearful goodbye today, a week after we got married. Anyways - my request for the fam is hit me with your favorites for low energy, healing heart flows. I’ve been so focused on the wedding and then spending every second possible with him, I haven’t been in a place (mental or physical) to hit the mat since before we got married. And I want to ease back into it! I know any of the low impact ones will work, but are there any y’all specifically love for when you’re feeling sad or heavy hearted? Let me know! Sending love to you all! ❤️