August 25, 2022

Having a serious Proud momma bear moment and wanted to share 😊

My boys’ school library has been a voting site every year they have gone there. While I’m ALL about voting, with recent mass and school shootings, having voting in the school during school hours just seems incredibly unsafe for the students and faculty! Over the past few months I’ve been reaching out to our school families as well as our district and state representatives asking to have the children out of school on voting days. I went to the district board meeting tonight with some other parents and the district board voted in favor of this!! Feeling so happy and relieved❣️

I obviously can’t stop school shootings but I feel like I did my own small part in keeping my boys, their peers & all the wonderful staff safe on voting day✨👏

I don’t know that this is something I would have had the courage to do pre M/Body… I have gotten so much stronger physically and emotionally through this family! ❣️