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August 15, 2023

Thrilled to say that this is the first EVER M/Body challenge where I’ve hit my original goal within the challenge period (woohoo!). I completed 45 workouts (something I didn’t think I would hit because I didn’t do any “formal” workouts during a 6-day vacation) and 48 wellness activities. And it all happened without fatiguing or stressing my body. Over time, I’ve made regular workouts a real habit (I try to work out 4-5 days a week and add in as much extra walking as I can), but this challenge was confirmation of just how much this habit has been incorporated into my life, and to how well I’ve been able to listen to my body and what it needs. One day I felt that I needed to “relax”, for instance, but realized I needed movement to do that: so I did a gentle yoga class, which was exactly what I needed. It’s these little things that show me just how much movement has entered my life, and how grateful I am to have turned a priority into a healthy need (all with the help of M/Body and this amazing community, of course). Feeling really proud!