July 30

Hey fam. Looking for guidance, validation, or anything you have to offer regarding pulled hamstrings. Last month when we were doing the ballet glider class, I went into the splits with the gliders under my feet. I heard a pop and immediate pain radiated down my right, dominant leg. Anyway, itโ€™s been a month and Iโ€™ve been focusing on rest, recovery, and strength building, only going as deep into a stretch as my sweet hammy lets me. I guess my question is, and this may sound dramatic, but will I ever be able to do the splits again? I feel like this is a lesson in my pride and perfectionism. I was really proud of the flexibility I had, and my ego wants me to be able to get there again quickly. In the rabbit hole of online physical therapy, I also came across proximal hamstring tendinopathy, which has me questioning if I ever was truly flexible or just pushing myself too hard for too long. Any tips/ words of wisdom are welcome. ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ’—