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August 15, 2023

Congratulations, beautiful fam, on the completion of another amazing Challenge.
I am happy to share that I surpassed my initial goal of 30 workouts and instead got 38 done! I had gained more momentum than anticipated and even thought I might get close to 60, until my Dad passed away part way through the Challenge.
It has been an extremely difficult couple of weeks, but I eventually managed to get back to the mat and stayed true to my goals (of drinking more water, staying consistent, and not putting myself / my health on the back burner).
I'm so grateful for the kind messages of support that I've received. The connections, the choreography and Marnie's words of wisdom have all been so helpful during this time of grief.
We did it!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘